What I Learnt At The Pinterest Creators Brunch

Pinterest UK Creator Brunch

In August I spent a great day at the Ace Hotel in Shoreditch with the Pinterest team learning about their current best practice for creators and influencers who want to use Pinterest to plan and promote their work, so now the summer is over and we’re entering the holiday season (which is the time of year social media, especially Pinterest drives the most traffic to your site) I thought I’d share some useful takeaways from the summit.

Think Mobile

Did you know that 80% of Pinterest users are viewing content on mobile devices. You need to keep this in mind when creating pins. Two helpful tips:

  1. Don’t put small text on pins. Using type on pins can be great to let people know why they should click through, but any text you do need needs to be big enough to be viewed on a small screen.

  2. When you’re creating pins, upload them to a secret board first so you can see how they look on mobile before you publish them.

Remember that the perfect pin is Beautiful, Actionable and Helpful.

Think Ahead

The average shelf life of a pin is 105 days, so plan ahead when pinning seasonal content. Halloween pins are already taking over the platform, and that means to get ahead you need to start pushing Christmas, Thanksgiving and New Year content as soon as possible!

Ignore Common Pinterest Myths

The biggest, most important takeaway from the brunch is a really important piece of information that came straight from Pinterest: the idea that your first five pins of the day are your most important is a myth. The idea that these are the pins that will get picked up by the Pinterest algorithm over others is rubbish. So many Pinterest ‘experts’ have been pushing this recently.

It is also a myth that everyone on Pinterest is a woman. Currently, 30% of Pinterest users are men, but an average of 50% of all new sign ups to Pinterest are also men. Food for thought as you go about planning your content for 2019!

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